The Life and Works of Nikos Kazantzakis

George I. Panagiotakis
Μετάφραση: Ioannis Panagiotakis
Φωτογράφος: R. Behaeddin
Φωτογράφος: Fred Boissonnas
Φωτογράφος: P. Diamandopoulos
Φωτογράφος: Vassilis Drossos
Φωτογράφος: N. Marayannis
Φωτογράφος: G. Markoulakis
Φωτογράφος: G. Panagiotakis
Φωτογράφος: E. Papadakis
Φωτογράφος: Ath. Fotopoulos
Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
Εκδόσεις Γεωργίου Παναγιωτάκη
σ. 316
Σχήμα: 24χ17
Δέσιμο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
ISBN: 978-960-87416-0-7
Σημειώσεις: Foreword: Isabella Maratou-Argyraki, Universite de Mons Hainut, Belgique, Head of Modern Greek Sudies Department.
Φωτογράφηση: ΝΑΙ
Τιμή: 16.82€ Φ.Π.Α.: 6%
(Τελευταία Ενημέρωση Τιμής: 04-06-2007)

[...] George Panagiotakis undertakes to continue the attempt to approach Kazantzakis' mind. A passionate admirer of this major Cretan literary figure and charmed by his multi-faceted contribution to the Greek literary world, he has painstakingly researched his work.
The work is successful since the writer has achieved a well-rounded presentation of Kazantzakis' work, not least by referring back to major past researchers.
Thus, the present research is not only worthy of high praise but also an essential guide for those who would like to experience once more the Kazantzakean values through a complete work, rich in arguments, presented in an elegant style.

Isabella Maratou-Argyraki
Universite de Mons Hainut (UMH), Belgique
Head of Modern Greek Sudies Department.